Sue - Centro de Fertilidad del Prado in Tijuana

This is from a website called and is an email exchange from Sue and the clinic.

I received a very fast response to my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure from the Centro de Fertilidad del Prado in Tijuana, Mexico - the reply came the same day!
Their website can be found at, however I could not find a button to translate it into English.
The information is direct, which is good, and prices were given in US$.

Hello Sue

  1. What is the current success rate for your clinic? (preferably by age as I know that the success rate will be much lower for somebody of my age)
General succes is arpound 40-45
les than 35..50%
egg donor 50%
more than 40..20% or less
  1. How many cycles do you perform per year at the clinic?
aroun 100 cycles
  1. What is the maximum age that you treat?
  1. Are there any fertility conditions that you will not treat?
no gestacional surrogacy, no homo sex
  1. What is your embryo transfer policy? How many embryos will you replace
at one time?
1st attempt… 2-3…..3 embryos….day 5…. 2 embrios
Other depends on the clinical situation

  1. What is the basic cost of the IVF treatment?
IVF and ICSI is same cost 4500 usd plus meds.
  1. What additional costs would / could be incurred?
initgial consultations, initial lab workshop is arouind 600 USD
  1. What happens to the costs if the cycle has to be abandoned?
we make acharge aroud 1000 usd

  1. How long would I need to be in Mexico for?
    around 2 weeks

  2. Who deals with the logistics of flights and accommodation?

People fligtj to san diego usa, we are located 20 minutes from the border
  1. How is the pre-treatment carried out?
Normally by email que can order the tests that we need, as ultrasounds, hormones, semen analysis, infectious tests
  1. How do I get medication?
we can send you an prescription, or if patient came to our clinic we can take for a less price, and we are using Gonal F or Puregon or follistin
  1. How will I be monitored?
we make all monitorings in site
  1. How will I know that I am not being under / over stimulated?
we check it personally
  1. If I have a problem whilst in the UK who would I go to?
You have to have an Gynecologist with basic knowledge on Infertility
  1. Is the clinic registered with any regulatory body?
Or course we are registered in the main sanitary regulations in the state of baja california and federal requiriments from Mexico
  1. How long is the waiting list for IVF treatment?
depends on the tests, ir you are ready and we dond have compromises, you can go straigth

I apologise for the long list, the more I look into having IVF treatment the more complex it seems to get! I look forward to hearing from you.
Dr Ortega
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