MedHelp Member's Question

by Gerberia // , Aug 16, 2007 12:15PM
Hi! ...thank you for responding to my post a couple of days ago, I wanted to know how the whole process is done in Mexico I have an appt with a doctor in Tijuana and wanted to know how much less expensive it is in mexico...
I thank you for all the information you can share...
I thank you for all the information you can share...
Member Comments (10)

by MyYuyin // , Aug 16, 2007 01:27PM
To: Gerberia //
It is ALOT less expensive! IVF was about $4000.00 and the meds were about $1600.00 a total of $5600.00! I was told to go between the 1st and 3rd day of AF. Once I started the process it took a total of 2 weeks. I was told that it would take 2 to 3 weeks depending. I was lucky that it only took two weeks! Make sure you take all your paper work and give them any tests you have that way they don't have to repeat them. I had alot of testing done here in Houston so I took everything and gave that to them. So they only asked me to have two additional tests done and DH also had to have some testing done. Once we were done with all the testing the doctor told us what the next step was. We had all the testing done in May and did IVF in July! Let me know if you hae any other questions.

by Gerberia // , Aug 16, 2007 07:55PM
To: MyYuyin //
wow that is great information! thank you I do have more questions
1. you know how here in the US some doctors for the price of $20k will do 3 cycles, how does that work in mexico?
2. what clinic did you go to?
3, Do you live in houston and how often did you have to go to mexico?
4. how are you feeling? any symptoms?
1. you know how here in the US some doctors for the price of $20k will do 3 cycles, how does that work in mexico?
2. what clinic did you go to?
3, Do you live in houston and how often did you have to go to mexico?
4. how are you feeling? any symptoms?

by MyYuyin // , Aug 17, 2007 08:38AM
To: Gerberia //
1. The doctors in Mexico do not have anything like the shared risk program they have here. Over there you pay each IVF at a time.
2. I went to Medica Fertile (
3. Yes I live in Houston once I had the IVF completed in 8/3 I did not have to go back to Mexico. I was told to have the beta done here in Houston and call them back with the results. So depending on the results I will try IVF again in November.
4. Over all I feel OK. I have mild cramping, sore BB, some nausea, and yesterday I got a dizzy spell I had to sit down and fan my face. I also had some brown spotting around the time AF was due for 2 days. That scared me so I called my doc in Mexico and she told me to rest for one day and not walk that much. I was taking progesterone vaginal and she told me to start taking it orally cause it could be irritating me down there. Once I took a day off and stayed off my feet and changed the way I was taking the progesterone the brown spotting stopped!
2. I went to Medica Fertile (
3. Yes I live in Houston once I had the IVF completed in 8/3 I did not have to go back to Mexico. I was told to have the beta done here in Houston and call them back with the results. So depending on the results I will try IVF again in November.
4. Over all I feel OK. I have mild cramping, sore BB, some nausea, and yesterday I got a dizzy spell I had to sit down and fan my face. I also had some brown spotting around the time AF was due for 2 days. That scared me so I called my doc in Mexico and she told me to rest for one day and not walk that much. I was taking progesterone vaginal and she told me to start taking it orally cause it could be irritating me down there. Once I took a day off and stayed off my feet and changed the way I was taking the progesterone the brown spotting stopped!

by Gerberia // , Aug 17, 2007 10:54AM
To: MyYuyin //
Ohh Ok even though they dont have the Shared Risk Program, its still alot cheaper. I wonder how much It would be for IUI, I cant wait for my appointment.
Well it looks like you have pregnancy symptoms....when was your period due.
Well it looks like you have pregnancy symptoms....when was your period due.

by MyYuyin // , Aug 17, 2007 12:50PM
To: Gerberia //
IUI costs $500. My period was due 8/15. Yes my symptoms seem like they are pregnancy symptoms but I do not want to get my hopes up. I am taking it one day at a time! And waiting for the day I test. I wonder how long they take to give you back the results do you know? I hope everything goes well with your appointment!

by Gerberia // , Aug 17, 2007 12:56PM
To: MyYuyin //
Ohh wow..that is such a good when I have gone for betas in the past my doctor usually have the results in a couple of hours. Have you done a home pregnancy test? Is this your first IVF?

by Gerberia // , Aug 17, 2007 12:57PM
To: MyYuyin //
I tried going to their website and nothing comes up...

by MyYuyin // , Aug 17, 2007 01:25PM
To: Gerberia //
Yes this is my 1st IVF. I have been holding off on doing the HPT I am very tempted to do it but I would hate to get a BPF and then when I get my beta done it's a BFN. I have been patiently waiting for my beta and it's MONDAY! Try again ( it works for me. If it does not work send me a email at yuyin.***@**** and I will email you a link.

by yvonne20 // , Sep 11, 2007 07:46PM
can you send me the link for the clinic in mexico please thank you yvonne.***@****
MedHelp Member's Question

by SDteacher // , Aug 27, 2007 11:28PM
I was wondering where in Mexico did you go. Did you have to go everyday for blood work? What were your accomodations? Did they speak English? If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost you? Did you get all of your meds there too? Sorry for all of the questions. Any info would help. Thanks.

by MyYuyin // , Aug 28, 2007 10:26AM
To: SDteacher //
Hi SDteacher!
I went to Queretaro, Guanajuato to a clinic called Medica Fertile ( I did not have to go for blood everyday. My 1st appt was on my 3rd cycle day they did a ultrasound. That same day I started my shots and they only gave me enough for 5 days. On my 2nd appt I had another ultrasound to see the progress of my eggs and what they measured. So then they gave me more shots for 3 days. Once I finished with my last 3 days of shots they did the retrieval and 3 days later they did the transfer. The whole process took a total of 2 weeks and yes I hot all my meds in Mexico. Once they did the transfer on a Friday I came home on Sunday, and I was back to work on Monday. My mom has a home in Celaya so we did not have to pay for a hotel. But I did notice a hotel two or three blocks from the clinic and it looked OK from the outside.
I went to Queretaro, Guanajuato to a clinic called Medica Fertile ( I did not have to go for blood everyday. My 1st appt was on my 3rd cycle day they did a ultrasound. That same day I started my shots and they only gave me enough for 5 days. On my 2nd appt I had another ultrasound to see the progress of my eggs and what they measured. So then they gave me more shots for 3 days. Once I finished with my last 3 days of shots they did the retrieval and 3 days later they did the transfer. The whole process took a total of 2 weeks and yes I hot all my meds in Mexico. Once they did the transfer on a Friday I came home on Sunday, and I was back to work on Monday. My mom has a home in Celaya so we did not have to pay for a hotel. But I did notice a hotel two or three blocks from the clinic and it looked OK from the outside.
Yes the doctors all speak English. The main doctor Rafael Sanchez Usabiaga did some of his studies in Virginia, Texas, Cambridge, and New York. So I am sure he is very fluent in English.I spoke to them in Spanish so I did not have any problems. Doctor Rafael was my doctor and he is GREAT! The cost for IVF was about $4000 and the meds were about $1600 a total of $5600. We used a credit card to pay for all the meds and IVF. It just made it easier for you to use a credit card vs. having cash on us. For us it was worth it because in Houston IVF is about $13,000 and that does not include the meds. I hope this helps let me know if you have more questions.

by Gerberia // , Aug 28, 2007 09:46PM
To: MyYuyin //
Hey I was wondering how you are feeling? how are your symptoms.

by MyYuyin // , Aug 29, 2007 01:34PM
To: Gerberia //
Hi Gerberia! I am doing well my morning sickness has really kicked in today! I went to get some breakfast with a friend and the smell of egg in the morning did it I almost threw up! Man that was nasty. I am only able to eat fruit in the morning cause she smell of food makes my stomach turn! So I have been eating ALOT of crackers. My cramps are slowly getting better I don't think I cramped at all yesterday. Today a little not much at all. I am still spotting light brown that has not changed and my bb's are still a bit sore not bad any more. How are you doing?
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