Dr. Rogelio Montemayor Garza
Subespecialista en Medicina Reproductiva.
Centro Médico de la Mujer (Cons. 404) Tel: 01(81)8347-8488 / 01(81)8676-6595 Monterrey, N.L.
This space is dedicated to all those couples who have had problems when trying to have children and not seeing results.
We provide information on our fertility treatment as well as operations and treatments we provide for the welfare of Health, Physical, Emotional and Social.
We know that the purpose of life is procreation and the perpetuation of the species and the evolution of human beings ever upward, our commitment is to help achieve these objectives for couples who for various circumstances have not been able to do.
We hope to solve your problem with all the support that science now allows us to finally and above all with the support of God
If you are interested in joining us on a visit of IVF clinic's please
Email US
OR contact us on our Mexico Message Board Here.