Mexico - Red Crea Mexico City are we?

Red is the first network created for reproductive medicine in the country. We are an institution composed of a network of recognized professionals who provide reproductive surgery and assisted reproduction in a personalized, high quality and affordable, providing a service, so that patients can receive their treatment through reproduction trust your doctor or of doctors affiliated to Create Network.
As its name suggests, we are a network of services and professionals who work in teams and provided with constant communication, so that patients always trust your doctor but have the full backing of the entire network, which at the end translates into better results.
Together with this network has created the necessary infrastructure for carrying out complex treatments resulted in excellent rates of effectiveness.
Create Network offers a physical space where they can perform procedures Reproductive Surgery and Assisted Reproductive Techniques.
This space is equipped with: This space is equipped with:
Area of ultrasound (for follicular monitoring, etc.)
Chamber Board of inseminations inseminations
Team Team Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy Operating room to capture and ovulate Operating Room to embryo transfer and embryo transfer capture ovulate
Specialized Pharmacy pharmacy drug medicine specialist
Moreover Network has created Andrology Laboratory, Hormones, and Clinical Bacteriology, any owner so that the doctor can perform diagnostic protocols with greater certainty of results.
It is worth mentioning that the way to work in the Create Network, allows patients to provide more affordable cost, thus reducing significantly the desertion that many times we face in our daily practice.
If you are interested in joining us on a visit of IVF clinic's please
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