How do you find a reputable IVF clinic in Mexico?

 This is the question that I get asked the most. How do you find a reputable IVF clinic in Mexico?

You think that it would be really easy to find a clinic and work with an IVF clinic in Mexico. After all you here all the time about couples going all over the world for IVF vacations. You just type in a few key words and off you go with a lot of easy choices a few phone numbers and lots of information to go over.

The truth is that it is very hard to find websites about Mexico IVF clinics online. Most of them are in Spanish and don't offer any translation to English.

Then when you find a website that is in English and you call the clinic the receptionist doesn't speak any English and when you don't speak any Spanish it leads to a very short conversation when she hangs up on you after you ask for the fourth time "does anyone speak English?"

With persistence and follow through with over 40 clinics you can find the ones that speak English. The Doctor's speak English. Over 80% of their clients are from the USA. They are kept secret, but they are out there and available.

If you can cut through the obstacles and find the right locations you can save thousands of dollars on IVF. The options are there and available for all.

This blog will go into details of the hurdles we overcame to find the best clinic for us.

Please comment on this blog or email us if you have any questions.

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