Mexico IVF Options

 You can find stories all over the internet. Intended Parents going all over the world for IVF treatment. US couples going to Mexico because it is cheaper then the US.

 There are many reports of people going to Mexico for treatment, but finding concrete evidence, positive success stories, and overcoming the language barrier to get answers is elusive and time consuming.

Do to the high cost of infertility many Intended Parents are looking all over the world at the cost of treatments. India has been in the news as a Surrogate friendly country and has many success stories. Living in San Diego I am looking to Mexico for the options that they might provide.

There are several clinic's that offer IVF in Mexico as it is a very large country and most of the cities have multiple options. We have contacted over 40 clinic's during the last 12 months to determine which will be most helpful to Intended Parent's from the USA.

We have compiled all the information on the clinics we have contacted and researched and can make recommendation based on individual needs. We have set up a coordination program with the clinic we recommend to help couples find good quality health care at affordable prices. Our goal is to streamline the process for both the doctors and the patients.

We have arrangements with the doctors and will call them on your behalf to get questions answered, set up phone appointments and office visits in a timely manner. We will pre-screen you on behalf or the doctors so when you do speak in person they already have your information and the call or visit will be more productive in the time you have. All of their written information is in Spanish but we will provide you with a translated version. Don't waste time with call after to call to a receptionist who does not speak English and unable to help you make contact with the doctor.

We can give you information on places to stay near the clinics that are safe and US friendly, a list of lower cost airlines within Mexico and International.

Going further South into Mexico provides the least expensive options compared to staying in the border towns.

We have many couples with plans to have transfers this November or December.

If you are interested in joining us for IVF in Mexico please Email US Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved by Mexico IVF and Intended Parent Expect Miracles Agency