We have just come out of the 2WW and have a positive pregnancy test.
For us, Mexico was a great alternative.
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Intended Parents sharing the low cost IVF options in Mexico.
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In many ways, fertility clinics in Mexico are similar to those elsewhere in the world. They offer high-tech treatments, including in vitro fertilization and artificial insemination, intended to help people conceive.
Likewise, one man told me: “I feel that having children is the culmination of the [marital]These individuals, like others, sought to justify their use of ARTs by invoking modern marital ideals.
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One out of five couples who want to have a baby, face the difficult task of not being able to conceive the so much desired pregnancy. If you are one of them, the Vida Human Reproduction Science Institute will help you to make the most intelligent decision in your lives and will accompany you on the road to become parents. The Vida Human Reproduction Science Institute, with facilities in Mexico in the cities of Leon - Guanajuato, Guadalajara - Jalisco, and Matamoros - Tamaulipas, provides the latest advancements in Reproductive Medicine, Perinatology and Genetics, to help couples reach pregnancy and conceive a healthy baby. |
Plaza Las Am ricas 115 Paseo del Moral y Av. Guanajuato Colonia Jardines del Moral, C.P. 37160 Tel/Fax: +52 (47) 7779-0835, 7779-0836 http://www.institutovida.com/Leon.aspHospital de Especialidades Puerta de Hierro Av. Empresarios # 150, Planta Baja Colonia Puerta de Hierro Tel/Fax: +52 (33) 3642-7399, 3642-7394, 3642-2764 http://www.institutovida.com/Guadalajara.aspCalle Alhelies # 51, entre 1a y 2da Colonia Jard n, C.P. 87330 Matamoros, Tamaulipas Tel: +52 (86) 8816-2625, Fax: 8812-2223 http://www.institutovida.com/Matamoros.asp Av. Col n # 204d x 26 Colonia Garc a Gineres Tel: +52 (999) 925-2020, 925-2120 y 925-3020 M rida, Yucat nhttp://www.institutovida.com/merida.asp Fees depend on individual case. http://www.institutovida.com/faq.asp
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"We had artificial insemination several, several times, which was unsuccessful. Until eventually we came to Dr. Garza Morales and we went through the In Vitro process with him. We had faith in medicine, in Dr. Garza Morales, in the people from this clinic, and from the other two clinics as well, who came up to Matamoros to watch, to help, and to participate. It wasn´t a stressful experience. It was very nice and very helpful, the doctor would tell you everything you needed to know. And whenever I would call, as my Spanish wasn't very good, everybody was willing to help translate! It was really very nice. It wasn't scary, at all. Like if you go to Houston, its so big and overwhelming, and down here was so much nicer". | ||
"To all the couples who have not been able to conceive on their own. Do not give up. There is always a solution to this. I would like to recommend to all the husbands to be very supportive to your wives. It´s not an easy process. It takes a lot of psychological strength. Don´t give up, don´t loose hope. Look at me, I have a five year old girl who I went through the In Vitro process. I went through it again, I continued batteling because I knew I could have another child. Thanks to God I am pregnant at this time. All because of God´s blessing and Dr. Garza´s knowledge". |
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Yes the doctors all speak English. The main doctor Rafael Sanchez Usabiaga did some of his studies in Virginia, Texas, Cambridge, and New York. So I am sure he is very fluent in English.I spoke to them in Spanish so I did not have any problems. Doctor Rafael was my doctor and he is GREAT! The cost for IVF was about $4000 and the meds were about $1600 a total of $5600. We used a credit card to pay for all the meds and IVF. It just made it easier for you to use a credit card vs. having cash on us. For us it was worth it because in Houston IVF is about $13,000 and that does not include the meds. I hope this helps let me know if you have more questions.
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